Springtomize 4 Cydia Tweak For iOS 10 Has Been Released

Users jailbreak their iDevice so they can customize different aspects of iOS. With Springtomize 4 for iOS 10, you can customize anything you want from comfort of one tweak. And Springtomize 4 for iOS10 is compatible with Yalu jailbreak.

How to Install Springtomize 4 Cydia Tweak for iOS 10/10.2 Free

* You need to jailbreak your iDevice uisng 3uTools first. And please make sure you have Cydia installed on your iDevice.

* Launch Cydia and add Springtomize repo there.

* Once done with repo adding, refresh Cydia.

* Relaunch Cydia on your iDevice.

* Now search for “Springtomize 4 for iOS 10” and install it.

Once you have installed Springtomize Cydia tweak for iOS 10/10.2 on iDevice, you will be able to customize the duration of animations, can hide stock apps etc.

In fact you can play the way you want with iOS 10/10.2 on your iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPad Air and iPad Mini. For users who have already installed Springtomize 4 on iDevice, you can update for free.

It means that if you have previously purchased this amazing Cydia tweak, you can upgrade it to latest 4 version for iOS 10/10.2 for free.
