Today Apple has released official iOS 10.2 (Version NO.: 14C92),it is unnecessary to upgrade if you updated iOS10.2 Beta 7 on last Thursday.
Some users experienced iOS Beta version for developers since iOS 10 Beta 1 has released, you may suffer some problems about syetem stuck,battery drianed and other bugs .So how can you get back to offical version of iOS10.2? Here 3uTools share 2 methods with you.
1. Detete iOS Beta Software Profile
You need have an iOS Beta software profile when you want to use iOS Beta version,it will install automatically when you downloaded in Safari.
And after reboot, your idevice will have this authority to try new Beta system.
Of course, if you want get back to official version, you just need to "discard" it,
find "Settings", click "General",scroll down to "iOS Beta Software Profile".
Then delete files and reboot again.
The last step is check software update on your device, you will see the push alert for iOS 10.2 update. just upgrade bt OTA directly.
3uTools suggests all users to hold an official version on your idevice, because it's safer than Beta version. And the update of Beta version is frequent caused some risk and bugs exsiting. Maybe you will lose your date and files once appeared "White Apple". So if you like to try Beta new feature like me, please using 3uTools to back up your personal data.
Official iOS 10.2 has been released, Using 3uTools to Update here
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