The signing window for iOS 10.2.1 could close any moment now, what with the upcoming release of iOS 10.3, so this is your last chance to save your blobs for iOS 10.2.1, or to downgrade to it from the iOS 10.3 betas.
iOS 10.2.1 is not currently jailbroken, so at the moment its blobs are not of use, nor is being on that firmware a guarantee of a jailbreak. However, you never know what’ll happen, so act now! Don’t be left out in the cold when signing ends.
Downgrading to iOS 10.2.1 is only for testers of Apple's beta software, currently running a higher firmware. Bugs are patched with every iOS release, and jailbreak tools do not generally support the current firmware anymore, so these users should consider a downgrade. As for saving .shsh2 blobs for 10.2.1, this is highly advisable while they are still available. These blobs should let you use Prometheus to move to iOS 10.2.1 later, if a newer jailbreak is released for it.
You can use 3uTools to download firmware of iOS 10.2.1 and iOS10.3 if you want.
Saving .shsh2 blobs for iOS 10.2.1
Everyone should do this, regardless of their plans. The blobs are easy to save, and you never know when or why you might need them. They will allow already jailbroken users to move to 10.2.1 later if a newer jailbreak is released.
Don't get caught out!
Remember, signing for iOS 10.2.1 is expected to close very soon. After this time, you will not be able to save blobs, nor will you be able to restore to iOS 10.2.1. If an iOS 10.2.1 jailbreak is released in a couple of months (unlikely, but you never know), you will be unable to downgrade to iOS 10.2.1 from iOS 10.3+ then, and unable to upgrade from <iOS 10.2 if you didn’t save blobs now. So now is the time for everyone to do so, and for those who were testing the iOS 10.3 betas to make the return jump.
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