NougatShortcuts: Jailbreak Tweak Makes Your 3D Touch Menus Look Like Android Nougat

If you've been keeping an eye on Cydia recently, you must have noticed that more and more tweaks are attempting to bring some of the looks and features of Android Nougat to iOS 10. One such tweak is NougatShortcuts which was released recently for 3D Touch.

When you 3D Touch on an app icon, a menu is displayed with a semi-transparent background along with shortcuts available for the app. NougatShortcuts brings an aesthetic change to 3D Touch menus so that they look more like Android Nougat.

The tweak breaks the 3D Touch menu options into separate items, replaces the transparent background with a solid color and applies rounded corners to each of the menu items. If you’ve been craving for an aesthetic change for the 3D Touch menu then this tweak is something that you may want to try.

It also adds a dedicated preferences pane to Settings that doesn't offer much other than a killswitch toggle to enable or disable the tweak on demand, a couple of styles as well as an option for adjusting the corner radius of 3D Touch menu items. The higher the radius, the rounder the menu items will be.

NougatShortcuts works fine with tweaks that bring 3D Touch support to older iPhone models such as Peek-a-Boo and Forcy. If you haven't used these tweak yet, they basically allow you to long hold on app icons to imitate a 3D Touch gesture and view its shortcut menu on older iPhone models.

NougatShortcuts brings a much needed change to the appearance of 3D Touch menus. If you prefer this tweak’s design over the default appearance of 3D Touch menus, then you can grab NougatShortcuts for free from Cydia's BigBoss repo. Let us know what you think about it in the comments below.

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