PulseHUD: Display A pulse Animation While You Adjust iDevice’s Volume

There are a lot iOS tweaks in jailbreak community, some of them are born for beauty, Some tweaks may improve functional performance, but the tweak today can make your iDevice more personalized.

We want to share PulseHUD with you, it changes the volume bar totally. As shown below, you can see a pulse animation on the screen while you adjust iDevice’s volume.

It is worth mentioning that this tweak won’t display any reminder on iDevice’s screen, that means when you adjust the volume of your iPhone, you can’t get a specific value of the volume. But PulseHUD is compatible with other volume related tweaks, such as StatusHUD 2, SmartVolumeControl, ByeByeHUD, Amalthea.

After installing pulaseHUD on iDevice, you can find its configuration panel in Settings, you’re able to turn on/off this tweak according to your demands, and you can select a color for your pulse animation.

Of course, if you’re interested in this tweak, you may download it in Bigboss. This tweak can be supported on jailbroken iDevice running on iOS7-10.
