How to Install and Use Gandalf Cydia Tweak [iOS 10]

Gandalf Cydia tweak has been around for a while and was recently updated to version 2. Here’s a simple tutorial to make use of this amazing tweak.
For those readers who don’t know, Gandalf is a neat little Cydia tweak that prevents bad tweaks from installing on your iPhone, iPad or iPod. It is compatible with iOS 10.2 firmware only at the moment.

This tweak will now make sure that your iOS device stays free of bootloops and respring loops. This will help make your device stable and free of conflicting Cydia tweaks.
  • A jailbroken iPhone, iPad or iPod running iOS 10.2
  • Cydia
  • MTerminal

Step 1 Open Cydia.
Step 2 Select Manage > Sources.
Step 3 Select Edit at the top right > Add.

Step 4 Add Ethan’s repository to Cydia –
Step 5 Install Gandalf for Yalu102 Cydia tweak from this source.
Step 6 Start MTerminal terminal emulator.
Enter the following commands. Don’t forget to press enter/return key after each line.


echo “io.github.ethanrdoesmc.gandalf102” hold | dpkg –set-selections

echo “io.github.ethanrdoesmc.gandalf102” install | dpkg –set-selections"

These commands will set up this tweak properly.
Step 7 Gandalf is now up and running. All you need to do is check which debian packages were removed. Remember, packages that were uninstalled will be marked as “deinstall”.
"dpkg –get-selections."

Step 8 Just in case you try to install a conflicting package, Cydia will not allow you to do so unless you uninstall Gandalf itself.
Step 9 To test if you have set it up properly, install “New Package” from developer Supermamon’s repository (

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