How to Use Futurerestore to Upgrade to 10.2 from Pangu8?

For your information, Pangu8 jailbreak, as opposed to the TaiG one didn't have "task_for_pid(0)", this however was solved by saurik who released an update to the Pangu untether which enabled tfp0 in the 8.1 jailbreak.

This doesn't mean that nonceEnabler will work right away though, so follow these steps to successfully update from 8.1 to 10.2 using futurerestore.

2) Install it using iFile or Filza.
3) Download the nvrampatcher from this tweet from your computer:
4) SSH into your device from terminal with "ssh root@YOUR_DEVICE_IP" (The default password is "alpine").
5) From another terminal window perform "scp nvrampatcher root@YOUR_DEVICE_IP:NOTICE HOW IT HAS A COLON AT THE END.
6) From your first terminal window, perform "./nvrampatcher"
7) Follow this awesome tutorial on how to use futurerestore but skip the nonceEnabler steps:
8) Enjoy your newly updated device :)
Hope it helps!

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