Changing an Extra Recipe Icon for your iPhone

In a word: Download image, rename to icon.png, put it into within the ipa

  1. Download image.!AhEFaxXTC-8ekLQNJMSy3swv_DmFYg
  2. Rename the image to icon.png.
  3. Download yaluX extra recipe ipa from
  4. Rename the .ipa to .zip (search "File folder option" >view>uncheck hide extension for known file type)
  5. open the .zip using winrar (go to Payload>
  6. Put icon.png into the location (using winrar window, dont need to extract the content)
  7. Close everything and rename the .zip to .ipa
  8. load the .ipa & enjoy the glorious icon 
Optional: Rename the ipa to something else. open Info.plist in and edit the string under "CFBundleName" using plist editor.
