How to Set Videos, Images, and GIFs As Your Respring Logo

Got many requests to do this tutorial, so here it is! Going to make this really straight forward, if you have any questions, leave them down below.

NOTE: This doesn't work for iPhone 7 users and mach_portal users

For Video/GIF respring logos:

  1. Download Springy and BringTheAppleBack from Cydia.
  2. Pick your favorite gif/video and convert it to a bunch of .png files. You can do this here:
  3. Sort them out in order like this: 1.png, 2.png, 3.png ETC.
  4. Make a folder in /Library/Springy and name it what you want it to be.
  5. Move all the .png's in order to the folder you made.
  6. Go into Springy's animation settings and choose the folder you chose!
  7. I've tried many FPS amounts in testing and the best I found for GIFs is around 10-15. For videos, you need to mess around and find what is good for your video.
  8. Set the loop option to loop infinitely to have your GIF/Video to go over and over and check the "Use Animation" open.
  9. Go back and click apply settings, and while you're respringing, you should see your GIF/Video!

For IMAGE respring logos:

  1. Download Springy and BringTheAppleBack from Cydia.
  2. Go into Springy's image options and select the image you want from your camera roll.
  3. Click apply settings! You should see your image appear while respringing.

submitted by /u/Slut_Farm 
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