How to Convert Cydia DEB File to IPA File?

This tutorail aims to show you how to convert any cydia deb files to ipa files.


* A computer

* Download Cydia Impactor


* Download 7zip & deb

Step1: With 7-Zip on Windows, simply right-click on the .deb file and select 7-Zip > Extract files… to unpack it to a directory of choice.

Step2: Simply open the .deb package with the program to unpack it.

Step3: Within the extracted folder, find the data.tar file and unpack it same as in the previous step.

Step4: Open the extracted data folder, then open the Applications folder inside.

Step5: Here, you’ll find a folder with a name ending in “.app”. Create a new folder and name it “Payload”. Now, drag the “.app” folder onto it.

Step6: Select the Payload folder and pack it into an archive.

Step7: With 7-Zip on Windows, simply right-click on the Payload folder, select 7-Zip > Add to archive…, and in the window that follows, ensure that the Archive format is .zip, then set a name for the archive ending in “.ipa”.
