The ModMyApp is Now Available on BigBoss for Everyone

After a long wait, the ModMyApp is finally here for everyone to enjoy.

The ModMyApp is now officially available after many months of teasing, developing, testing and... modding. The app is developed in-house at Mobile Nations, making it a first for iOS development at the company.

There is one caveat, and that is that the app is only available to jailbroken devices at this time. This is due to Apple's App Store limitations which we are actively working on solving. For now, the app is not available on the App Store.

It's one of the best ways to keep up with everything that's happening at ModMy, whether it's blogs, forums, videos or podcasts. The app is fully featured and should cover most use cases for mobile users, with an iPad version possibly coming at a later point. For now, we advise iPad users to browse the regular website using their prefered browser while we consider iPad support in the future.

The feature list includes:
  1. Article browsing and reading but also saving for later
  2. Article commenting support
  3. Full forum support
  4. YouTube & Podcast support
  5. Searching support
  6. iOS Block/Curago support

And much more with even more incoming. The app is the result of Mobile Nations and ModMy co-operating in order to deliver you a truly great experience.

Download from here.
