[FAQ] G0blin iOS 10.3.3 Jailbreak Errors and Solutions

Although G0blin jailbreak is stable, for people who have tried this jailbreak still meet some problems. This tutorial collected the most common problems and solutions of G0blin jailbreak for you. 

Q1: Touch ID doesn’t work after jailbreaking with G0blin?

Touch ID doesn’t work only when you use it inside applications. You must keep entering your password manually inside Touch ID-based apps or using their web versions.

Q2: Goblin app shows ‘Exploit failed” every time when I launch it?

Reboot your iOS device and then waiting for 60-90 seconds before you tap jailbreak.

Q3: Goblin app crashes when I open it?

You’re suggested to sideloading the goblin IPA file once again.

Q4: How to fix “firmware depends” error in Cydia?

Simply SSH into your device and run the following commands-




Q5: Some apps are missing from my home screen after jailbreak?

Reboot into the non-jailbreak mode.

Download the missing app from App Store again.

Re-jailbreak your device.

Q6: Which Cydia tweaks are compatible with G0blin?

3uTools just collected all compatible tweaks for G0blin jailbreak, you may get detailed info from this tutorial iOS 10.3.3 H3lix & G0blin Compatible Tweak


  1. I have a problem where randomly my phone respings and then i am prompted with the crash i don't have a scrrenshot but it is the same error which occurs when you try to run anenome which again crashes the springboard


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